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50th Anniversary - Fomento Cultural Citi Banamex - Iturbide Palace
Production of 2 videomapping shows: facade and interior patio
Iturbide Palace, Madero street, Mexico

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Fomento Cultural Citi Banamex foundation, Maizz Visual was asked to create two video mapping pieces that would reflect the foundation's vast work in promoting art and education throughout 50 years of history.


Two shows were made, one outside, on the facade of the Palace, on the iconic Madero Street, in which a voice narrated the history of the building and explained the different areas of action of Fomento Citi Banamex over the years. 


The video mapping piece of the inner courtyard, projected on 3 of the courtyard walls, was visible from all levels of the Palace. With a duration of 7 minutes, it also focused the visual theme on showing the different areas of action of Fomento Cultural Citi Banamex since its foundation. 


Both pieces had a duration of 7 minutes and musical tracks of pieces from the Novohispanic Baroque.

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