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50 Aniversario fomento cultural CitiBanamex
Palacio de Iturbide
Production of 2 video mapping pieces: facade and interior patio of the Palace.
Madero Street, CDMX, Mexico
On the occasion of the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Fomento Cultural Citi Banamex foundation, Maizz Visual was asked to create two video mapping pieces that would reflect the vast work of the foundation in promoting art and education throughout 50 years of history. .
Two light and sound shows were held, one outside, on the façade of the Palace, on the iconic Madero Street, in which a voice narrated the history of the building and explained the different areas of action of Fomento Citi Banamex through the years.
La pieza de video mapping del patio interior, proyectada sobre 3 de las paredes del patio era visible desde todos los niveles del Palacio. Con una duración de 7 minutos, igualmente centraba la tematiza visual en mostrar las diferentes áreas de acción de Fomento Cultural Citi Banamex desde su fundación.
Both pieces had a duration of 7 minutes and musical tracks from pieces from the New Spain Baroque.

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