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Story of the Friendship Tree of Queretaro
Content design for videomapping, storytelling, and technical production
Jardin Corregidora - Queretaro city

 "The Friendship Tree of Querétaro" took place in Jardín Corregidora Park, from December 1st to January 7th. Each night during this period, a mapping projection was conducted onto an imposing tree, narrating the captivating story of the friendship tree. Located in Jardín Corregidora, the projection lasted approximately seven minutes and featured elaborately crafted scenes in both 2D and 3D formats, complemented by a careful selection of music, sound effects, and professional narration. The event provided an immersive and emotive experience that captivated audiences, highlighting the importance and beauty of friendship through the tale of Friar Francisco and a Pame Indian in the Sierra Gorda

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