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Leonora's Dream 2018
Series of 14 animated gifs of surreal paintings by Leonora Carrington
Mexico City
On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of Leonora Carrington organized by the UAM at the Casa del Tiempo in April 2018, Maizz Visual developed 5 new animated GIFs of Leonora's work. These 5 GIFs added to the 9 that I had already created in 2013 complete a collection of 14 animated GIFs.
The animated GIFs have been approved for online dissemination by the curatorship of the Autonomous University of Mexico and by Pablo Weisz, son of Leonora Carrington.
Animated works:
The Lovers_1987
Unknown (Parade)
Unknown (Flying witch)
The Ancestor_1968
The Inn of the Dawn Horse_1939
Crow Catcher_1990 The Symphony_2002
Kron Flower_1986
Portrait of the late Mrs Partridge_1946
Cloth (unknown)
Bird Bath_1978
The Symphony_2002
Unknown (Smoker & fish)

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