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Luminous Memory II
The Mayan people and Felipe Carrillo Puerto
Design of 3D video mapping content, soundtrack, and technical direction
Chichen Itza Pyramid replica- Zocalo - Mexico City - Mexico
Maizz Visual produced the video content and soundtrack for the show Memoria Luminosa II. The Mayan people and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, a 2D and 3D video mapping show on a replica model of the pyramid of Chichen Itza. This event narrated passages from the life of the Maya people, using quotes from the Maya books: Popol Vuh and Chilam Balam, culminating with the story of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, a prominent revolutionary politician of Yucatan.
The model, measuring 26 x 15 meters and 1:2 scale, was installed in Mexico City's Zócalo. The show was projected every night from July 12 to 21, 2024.
The video mapping narrative, enriched with 2D and 3D animations, included background music, narration and sound effects. In addition, 40 dancers performed a choreography on two large platforms located on both sides of the pyramid.
The show, which lasted 25 minutes, was presented daily in three performances at 20:00, 20:45 and 21:30. Due to its great success and high demand, last weekend up to five performances per day were scheduled.
The Mexico City government estimates that the show was seen by some 980,000 people during the ten days of performances. The last day, Sunday, was the busiest, drawing close to 90,000 people for the first performance.

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